Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Glimpse of Heaven

I was going through some pictures and came across the day Daniel was born, almost 1 year ago. One of my favorite days in my life. Right next to it are the days my other 7 kids were born. There is nothing like the birth of a baby (maybe that is one reason I have 8!) The moment’s right after my kids were born are some of the most spiritual, sweetest moments that I will never forget. I forget a lot of things, just ask my kids, it’s almost a joke around here how forgetful I am. So to have such powerful memories of these moments means something for me. I can remember how I have felt connected to each one of them and the instant love and bond we have. I can remember how I feel of their pureness and the sweet spirits they possess. I can remember the pressure I feel to do my best and not let this little one down. I remember committing to doing everything in my power and within my ability to teach, protect, meet their needs and love unconditionally. Right after I think about my favorite 8 moments of meeting my babies I think about the moments following, watching Jon meet our babies for the first time and experience similar feelings of love and feeling the strength in the pureness of a baby straight from Heaven. My third favorite moment on the day of birthdays is when the other kids come to meet their new sibling.

Oldest Two Meeting Our third


I have two pictures that are my favorite, and totally candid. They speak to me. In fact I have titled them in my head, I have them framed and see them and reflect on them almost daily. I have titled them “Reunion” As I look at these pictures I see earthly siblings being reunited. One of my favorite primary hymns pops into my head:

I lived in Heaven

1. I lived in heaven a long time ago, it is true;
Lived there and loved there with people I know. So did you.
Then Heav'nly Father presented a beautiful plan,
All about earth and eternal salvation for man.

2. Father said he needed someone who had enough love
To give his life so we all could return there above.
There was another who sought for the honor divine.
Jesus said, "Father, send me, and the glory be thine."

3. Jesus was chosen, and as the Messiah he came,
Conquering evil and death through his glorious name,
Giving us hope of a wonderful life yet to be--
Home in that heaven where Father is waiting for me.

Words and music: Janeen Jacobs Brady, b. 1934
(c) 1987 by Janeen Jacobs Brady.

I love this message. The message I take from this hymn is that we lived before we came here. My kids have each come with such different personalities and traits that they never learned from me. I learn from this song that we knew each other. I know my kids knew each other in Heaven before they came to earth, these pictures are evidence of this. When my days get crazy and I feel overwhelmed I take comfort in the fact that we have a purpose we came to earth for, and these family units we are in help us through this life and the purpose we are here for.

This third picture is not so candid. It hit me one day, when I only had 7 kids, I have these pictures that mean so much to me but only 6 kids were in them. I needed one of Abby (maybe another reason I have 8, she couldn’t be left out of my favorite pictures). On our way to the hospital to have Daniel, I stressed to Jon how important it was that we get a “Reunion” picture of this new baby with Abby, so my collection could be complete. Throughout my labor I think I only brought it up 20 or so times. And then just before the kids walked in I may have reminded him how important it was to me to get a picture of Abby with the baby, in their first earthly moment together. Even though it was planned, the look on their faces are that of familiarity. They are being reunited to go through this life together as siblings!

One last picture that I have grouped in my head with these pictures is one I have seen from my growing up years that has always stuck with me, it is me with my older brother. I may not be moments old but close enough.

This picture teaches me the same things as the ones of my kids. We knew each other. I could write story after story, and one day I might, of my older brother. Of the times he protected me, laughed with me, fought with me, and taught me. He is truly one of my best earthly friends, as are all of my siblings. I am happy to know that we are on an earthly journey together that we started long before we were born.


About Us-Jacob and Brianne

Hey there!

I just wanted to post a little bit about us , Jake, Bri, and Kason. 

Jake and I met in April of 2011. We were engaged by June 2011 and were married on October 15, 2011 in the St. George LDS temple. We are coming up on three years next month, I know it isn't exactly 50 years, but we are pretty excited!

Jake is in his senior year of college and is currently studying Accounting. He will hopefully be working on his MAcc (Masters of Accounting) degree in January. Jake enjoys golfing, playing basketball, and going to the lake.

I stay at home with our son Kason. I graduated in 2013 with my degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in ESL. I spend my days chasing Kason around the house and picking up after him. When I am not chasing after a busy toddler I enjoy scrapbooking, reading, quilting, and doing anything outside.

Kason is one year old and busy as can be. He loves balls, trucks, rocks, and cars. He enjoys dancing, and running around outside. He is a chatterbox and loves to babble at anyone who will listen. He is such a sweet boy, and keeps our home a lively place.

Stay tuned for more posts on our life!

Here we go...

Anna had the idea to start a family blog to keep in better touch with each other, family and friends. She’s been working hard to put things together and we’re excited to start posting… get ready for some serious blogging. Here we go!